When is Breastfeeding Not Best? Kids Activities Blog

Subsequently breastfeeding three kids, I no longer believe breast is always all-time. Over the last 17 years, I have successfully breastfed iii kids. While I experience grateful that I both had the opportunity to share this with my children, it does not put me in the "chest is best" camp.

when is breastfeeding not best

In fact, what information technology has taught me is that bonding with your children in a way that is special and deeply connecting is what is best. Oh yea, and kids eating is best. However that happens.

At that place is no doubt in my mind that nursing my girls created a terrific, loving bond with my children while they were babies that carried me through the early role of their childhoods. Just to say that can only happen by breastfeeding seems then small. I would never deny the nutritional value of nursing but have come to my ain determination that the sum of our parenting is worth more than its individual parts.

My husband, to relieve me of the all nighters during the primeval months of new maternity, would hold our babies on his breast while he played our trivial portable keyboard. My husband is neither a main pianist or a vocalist, he knows just enough almost playing the piano and carrying a melody to sing to our babies and soothe them.

It was such a loving human action – and something unique and deeply connecting that he shared with them. Information technology was a series of minor moments that made both me and our babies autumn in beloved with him over and again. And it fed the loving, deep, unbreakable connection between him and his daughters.

While I nursed our children and it created a deep bond for me, my husband sang and played the piano. Both acts of bonding were a gift to u.s. as parents. Neither was an deed of bonding more than valuable than the other. After watching my girls thrive in the intendance of their male parent, I assure you that they needed both bonds, no matter how they came to be.

when is breastfeeding not best

So at present that my years of motherhood have passed across breastfeeding, when I see shades of shame in women who chose to nourish their babies in a way different than the path I chose, I want to tell them it is okay. When I see outright shaming between mothers, it makes me sad. I think if we could give each other a moment to wait inside each other's hearts, we would run across the commitment we all have for our children and it would be okay.

Because the perfect moments of parenting babies pass for all of us – then we realize together that babies become toddlers who have their ain opinions about life. (My breastfed babies all went through a stage where they refused to eat healthy nutrient and wanted but crackers and pasta!) Soon enough we all realize that perfection is not the goal, raising children with character is the goal.


Source: https://kidsactivitiesblog.com/115806/breastfeeding-not-best/

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